These are the children God has given me, God has been good to me! Genesis 33:5

Monday, September 7, 2009

More cousin time

Our first all-cousin outing and Malachi's first trip to the zoo. It was priceless to watch his face light up as he saw the animals.
He really got into the bird thing.
This pic. is a little out of order. This is Annie meeting Ava for the first time. She called her Aba and by the end we were all calling her Aba. They are our future besties.
Another cute zoo pic with everyone in their cousin tee-shirts.
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Anonymous said...

Your family is Beautiful!
Lori (Blitz) Granniss

Tori said...

How fun is this! I can't wait until Blake and I get to take our kiddos to spend time doing fun things like that! All those kids are so precious!