These are the children God has given me, God has been good to me! Genesis 33:5

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Morning

I don't know who Christmas morning is more fun for, the kids or Matt and I!

We were so excited to give the kids our gifts! After gifts and stockings we packed up and headed to my parents for a day with cousins! Annie loved her new brown skinned baby and her cooking utensils. Hudson wanted weapons, so we got him his own bow and arrow. The big hit was the air hockey table. Matt and I couldn't believe that they made stand alone ones that are kids size. Fun!

Christmas Festivities

We have been busy and blessed this Christmas! We have celebrated with sweet new friends and family. It is always a wonderful time because the Jacoby family comes and stays for weeks around the holidays. We were blessed to be able to host our families on Christmas Eve this year and the Scheffler annual gift exchange. Praise God for our new home!

Since the Jacobys have been here, we have packed it full of fun. Cousins barbecue and caroling, building gingerbread houses, performing for the new annual talent show, acting out the nativity and playing Prince Caspian in the backyard with the daddys! What fun!