These are the children God has given me, God has been good to me! Genesis 33:5

Monday, July 20, 2009

Swimteam 2009

Jono's relay team

this pic seems so official with their caps and names on their backs

last day of practice....look at those grins

racing side by side

Caleb and Noah swam on swimteam for the first time this year. They loved it and did really well. The video is Caleb winning the 25 freestyle final race. Noah swam in the freestyle and backstroke finals too. We were excited that they worked hard and improved their times each week. Yay Caleb and Noah!!!!!


Amy said...

Hey I didn't know you had a blog! Great pictures!!

stephanie said...

how fun! The boys look so grown up, and I can actually tell them apart now (:

Sarah said...

Such big boys. It makes me kind of sad they are old enough to do this. Wish we could be there to cheer them on!
The Minnesota Wolfes